Ms. Donaldson's French blog

lundi, août 28, 2006

Just luck? or.....

So far this semester's been smooth sailing! (All 8 days of it.) My students are great, I'm in LOVE with having projectors in our classrooms, and we have some fantastic new people in our office. I hope I'm not jynxing myself! I'm not superstitious or anything (well, at least consciously), but the real "meat" of the semester hasn't begun. The stuff that wears me down is the barrage of meetings. I think I ducked out of enough committments this year that I can hold on to my sanity a bit better than past years. I'm looking forward to getting the Critical Thinking PLC started!!! I'm not coming into it with as many ideas this year as I did in the last two, since I'd taken classes all summer, but at least this fall I didn't start the semester already on education overload. Thank goodness my master's is finished...

lundi, août 14, 2006

The World is Flat

Gee, how to start this...
Well, I can start by saying that I think in general that the examples made by Friedman make the world seem a lot smaller than it does flatter. I understand why he describes the world this way, but how I see the world getting much smaller is how distances hardly matter with the kind of communication we have available to us. If anything, the distances allow us to feel even closer (ironic...), since time zone differences allow a 24 hour work day. I wonder what sorts of consequences the shrinking of the world will have. Will increased communication make the distinct cultures around the world as homogenous ("flattened"...) as cable television and corporate radio have done in America, smoothing out a lot of regional differences? Or will it have the opposite effect, since people now have the opportunity stay in their native countries while doing American jobs?

lundi, août 07, 2006

First Post

First Post