Ms. Donaldson's French blog

lundi, février 05, 2007

Arrg rrrr gah!

What to do, what to do....
Once again, I'm bothered by my 3rd year students. They don't take much responsibility on themselves. I have a website that I work hard to maintain, and I expect my students to refer to it when they are absent. In fact, "I was absent, so I don't have my homework" is an unacceptable thing to say. I usually coast on my sense of humor to make the kids relate to me and get them into the class, and I try to personalize the assignments so that they'll find them more value to doing them. I like to give them assignments that prepares them for something we're going to do in class the next session, but I can't count on them to do it and have to make alternate plans.
A friend of mine who teaches French at HHS tells me similar things about her 3rd year classes. I don't even want to say "Why are they all like this?", because I know. Most of them are in their last year of studying the language since they know that most colleges require 3 years of language. They don't want to stretch their thinking at all. I feel completely ineffective with them. BUT....once again, this is a reflection of my frustration after my 6th hour class. I can have a WONDERFUL day all day, but it's this class that leaves the bad taste in my mouth. I have NO idea why they're there. Well, that's not true: it's for college. Yea. That's going to help them: a paltry understanding of the language b/c of several years of 3 day a week classes and shoddy work ethics that account for even more holes in their understanding.
Happy Monday.

feedback for last session

1) Did the information presented today make sense? If not, what would have helped? What do you still need? YES
2) Were the activities today well-planned and meaningful? Be specific. If they were not, what suggestions would you make? YES; I LOVED SEEING LARY'S LESSON.
3) What potential do you see in the information presented today for your possible use? A LOT; I CAN USE A LOT OF HUMANITIES' IDEAS.
4) What else do you want the planning team to know?